It is very emotional to see at midnight on the night of Saturday to Sunday of Easter, how the streets of Sofia are filled with candles that are carried to the churches. It seems that is something even magical. I have the feeling that in Bulgaria there is a rather free approach to religion. Let me explain myself with a comparison:
In Romania, the old former communist regime demolished churches mercilessly and now, like a reaction effect,religion has been reborn with intensity, with a fervency that in some aspects would seem irrational.
In Spain, and further temporarily, It happened the same rebound effect in opposite direction. Virtually all of we were automatically born like Catholic Christians (no one asked us) and for this “mandatory status” (and its association with the former regime), many people lately have left the religious practice in oblivion. All our parents thought the message of Christ was a positive and indeed it is. Do not forget that in Islam and other religions also the parents transmit their faith to their children with the same criterion.
In Bulgaria, the former communist regime was against religion, but not so serious as the case referred before to Romania. Proof of this is that the cult was allowed but "not well seen." As a result now people have a more objective and honest approach, and it´s not inherited in the collective memory a past with any prohibition or obligation. Those who want to be practitioners, though not in large numbers, they are to its ultimate consequences.
Despite the ”ancient” image that Catholics have from Orthodox, It´s a pleasant surprise to note that practitioners are more spiritual and priests are more in touch with the real world (for those who do not know, the marriage is allowed. It seems very useful to know what is to be married when you give the sacrament of marriage); that closeness between the parts of the Orthodox Church, at least, brings hopefull feelings of greater sustainability and progress. On the other hand it is worth to make the question what is the distance between the Catholic Church and the world today.
I strongly recommend you to take look at the article (with a rather "tabloid" title in comparison to the seriousness of its contents) published by El Pais on 04/21/2010: / Juan/XXIII/reclaman/dimision/Papa/elpepusoc/20100421elpepusoc_6/Tes
In that article (which translate into English at the end, because I don´t think anyone should miss) the Association of Theologians John XXIII reflects its position on the situation of the Catholic Church. I recommend (even those of you who are Orthodox) to decide which of the 12 points you agree and which do not: The result will give your own opinion of the distance between the Catholic Church and the real world today.
We could think that this is a power struggle, someone tries to harm the Church or that "Liberation Theologians" are making noise again. Personally, all the points raised as a matter of debate, seem to me entirely lawful. Long ago they should have been treated and the future will depend on the time that the Catholic Church continues avoiding them.
To the Catholic hierarchy, from which increasingly we get the impression of living in a crystal tower, distilling the dogma until total purification, we should remember that in this world live more than 6,000 million different realities.
The good news is that Christ's message is so clear, positive, fresh and prevailing, that means alone, without anyone trying to trade with the exclusivity of its interpretation.
It´s like water that breaks the dam and reachs the sandy beach, where everyone will find their own religion inside.
PS: (including the Vatican, who will never read my blog either, I guess) I recommend to everyone (including the Vatican, who will never read my blog either, I guess) revisiting "The Shoes of the Fisherman", 1968. Without taking in consideration the Chinese-Soviet crisis cinematographic excess, tell me which one of you would not want a pope like the role played by Anthony Quinn. "
The Association of Theologians John XXIII are demanding the resignation of the PopeThey also demand an apology to victims of sexual abuse
Christian base communities and independent theologians often don´t like the behavior of much of the Catholic hierarchy to the pedophilia scandals. They believe that to sin and crime of concealment in the past, now It´s added an attitude of pride, and even understanding or silence justification.
They also miss apologies to the victims and punishment to the guilty, in civil and canonical courts. Even voices are raised claiming against the ones in the Vatican who censored orders. They want them to assume their responsibilities. This is the case of the Association of Theologians John XXIII, whose board today released a manifesto calling for the resignation of the Pope.
The statement of theologians began to express support for the Open Letter to Catholic bishops around the world of his colleague, Professor Hans Küng, in which the famous Swiss theologian, considered the current pontificate, one of missed opportunities in areas such as church ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, reform of the Church, the exercise of collegiality, the improper management of sexual abuse by bishops, priests and Catholic religious colleges, seminaries, parishes, and the maintenance of celibacy and the prohibition of access by women to the ordained ministry. Hans Küng (Sursee, 1928) was just 30 years with expert and adviser to the Second Vatican Council and there he coincided with the current Pope, who held the same role for the German episcopate. (...)
These are some of its proposals, offered, say, "constructive and aimed at the evangelical transformation of the Catholic Church":
1.-Vatican II: "We consider necessary to activate and develop the reform agenda of Vatican II, which has not been properly implemented and that during the present pontificate has not only paralyzed, but has gone in the opposite direction, either back to previous stages, either been interpreted conservatively. "
2.-Absolute monarchy. "We believe that the current organization of the Catholic Church is outdated and is more responsive to an absolute monarchy that the Jesus movement, a community of equals. It seems urgent to initiate a process of democratization of the Church, with the active participation of all Catholic believers in the choice of positions of responsibility within the Church itself. It is important to remember that, from the origins of Christianity and for several centuries, the Church was organized and governed, with the participation of the people. " 3.-With the poor. "Christians and all the leaders of the Church, should be located in the world of marginalization and social exclusion and opt resolutely for the poor, an attitude that carries the fight for justice as a Gospel criterion for excellence.
4.-Theological Liberty. "We consider it imperative to defend and promote freedom of expression, research and publication of the theologians and the removal of ecclesiastical censure, which restricts the freedom of professional theology and limits creativity."
5.-Right of assembly. "We demand the recognition of the freedom and right of assembly of communities and Christian groups, whatever their ideological orientation, and all alike, no privileges for some, more akin to the hierarchy at the expense of excluding other .
6.-Political pluralism. "We claim not to identify Christianity with any political agenda or conservative religious organizations, as often happens by the hierarchy, and to respect political and religious pluralism in society and the Church."
7.-Against sanctions. "We demand the lifting of sanctions imposed on theologians, bishops and priests, motivated by the exercise of freedom of expression and for their commitment to the poor."
8.-Request for forgiveness. "As a demonstration of the changed attitude of the Catholic Church, we consider necessary the public request for forgiveness of the Pope for concealment and abetting of the Vatican in cases of sexual abuse who are involved bishops, priests and religious. " 9.-Against silence. "We call for an immediate repeal of all those decrees of the Pope and the Roman Curia that have imposed silence for decades in cases of child sexual abuse and have prevented to put such cases in the hands of justice."
10.-Pontificate exhausted. "We believe that the papacy of Benedict XVI is exhausted and that the Pope does not have the age or mentality to respond adequately to the serious and urgent problems that now must face the Catholic Church. We therefore, with due respect for the person of the Pope, ask for his resignation. "
11.-Women Priests. "We need to facilitate access of women to the ordained priesthood in different degrees, as in most Christian churches, ending finally with centuries of unjustified discrimination against women in the Catholic Church."
12.-Abolition of celibacy. "It is equally necessary to abolish mandatory celibacy for priests, as repressive disciplining of sexuality, which lacks any biblical foundation, theological and historical and does not respond to any pastoral requirements."
Finally, theologians remind the hierarchy of Catholicism "that the decisive criterion of conduct, in the Church of Jesus Christ, is not unconditional obedience to the Pope, but fidelity to the Gospel." "On behalf of the loyalty and with attitude of dialogue, we present these proposals."