domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

2010: The year we learned to jibe.

Description of nautical terms:
Jibe: To change tacks by steering away from the wind so that the leach of the sail swings across the eye of the wind. (Stern Tack Round)
Tack: Turning across the eye of the wind in order to fill the sails on the opposite side and make good a course toward a destination to weather.
Turn: Changing tack across the wind direction. When done by bow is called tack. When you called stern tack round (jibe.)
The difference is that in tack the boat stops, while in the jibe change of direction maintains a certain speed.

Spain, under the political stability of the parliamentary monarchy, was a ship full wind sailing sailing upon the ocean of the world economy. We sailed so fast that we have been among the first ships to arrive in the storm zone.
Now we have to change direction as quickly as possible. If political decisions are quick and strong enough, the ship will continue sailing without stopping and by sheer momentum will pick up speed.
On the opposite side, if we make a tack turn, we will not get speed, and we will be at the mercy of the waves.

2010 will be remembered for sport victories that symbolize the decline of the Spanish economy empire. We had (and we paid) the best gladiators in the circus to entertain us and we have been givens (and have accepted) loaves of bread as the famous 420 euros, the "baby-check" or 2,000 euros for the new car (¿¿¿ !!!???).

We have to adjust the sails to sail against the wind with the sea foam splashing in the face. The workers, as it always has been, to pull the rig.

We should not allow the government to make mistakes at the helm of the ship.

PS: I recommend the magazine Foreign Policy FP ( Although some expensive (6 euros), It’s been a long time since I read a magazine of 100 pages from start to finish.

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