lunes, 26 de abril de 2010


Resulta muy emocionante ver como a las doce de la noche del sábado al domingo de Semana Santa, las calles de Sofía se llenan de velas que son llevadas a las iglesias. Se diría que es algo incluso mágico. Tengo la sensación que en Bulgaria hay un acercamiento bastante libre hacia la religión. Me explicaré:
En Rumanía, el antiguo régimen comunista llegaba al extremo de derribar las iglesias sin piedad y ahora, en un efecto rebote, ha renacido con ímpetu el culto religioso. Con un fervor, que en ciertos aspectos nos parecería algo irracional.
En España, y más lejos temporalmente, se da el mismo efecto rebote pero en sentido contrario. Prácticamente todos nacíamos cristianos católicos (sin que nadie nos preguntase) y precisamente por esta criterio de “sobreentendida obligatoriedad”(y su asociación con el antiguo régimen), mucha gente se ha ido desentendiendo de la iglesia. Todos nuestros padres pensaron que conocer el mensaje de Cristo era algo positivo y en efecto lo es. No olvidemos que en el Islam y el resto de las religiones se lega también la religión a los hijos con el mismo criterio.
En Bulgaria, el antiguo régimen comunista estaba en contra de la religión pero no de manera tan virulenta como el caso mencionado de Rumanía. Prueba de ello es que el culto estaba permitido aunque “no bien visto”. Como resultado en la actualidad la gente tiene una aproximación más objetiva y sincera, ya que no se hereda en la memoria colectiva ningún pasado de prohibición extrema u obligatoriedad. Los que quieren ser practicantes, aunque no sea en un gran número, lo son hasta sus últimas consecuencias.
Pese a la imagen “antigua” que tenemos los católicos de los ortodoxos, sorprende agradablemente observar que los practicantes son más espirituales y los sacerdotes más terrenales (para quien no lo sepa el matrimonio está. Parece muy conveniente saber lo que es estar casado cuando casas a dos personas); esa cercanía entre las partes que integran la iglesia ortodoxa, cuando menos, transmite sensaciones esperanzadoras de mayor viabilidad y progreso.
Por otro lado cabe reflexionar cual es la distancia entra la Iglesia Católica y el mundo actual. Para ello no dejen de mirar el artículo (con título bastante “amarillista” para la seriedad de su contenido) publicado por El País el 21-4-2010:
En el mencionado artículo (el cual traduciré al inglés porque no creo que nadie deba perdérselo) la Asociación de Teólogos Juan XXIII refleja su postura respecto a la situación de la Iglesia Católica. Les recomiendo (incluso a los de ustedes que sean ortodoxos) que decidan con cuales de los 12 puntos están de acuerdo y con cuales no: El resultado les dará la distancia que ustedes creen que existe entre la Iglesia Católica y el mundo real actual.
Podremos pensar que, se trata de una lucha de poder encubierta, que alguien trata de hacer daño a la Iglesia o que los de la ”Teología de la Liberación” ya están dando otra vez la lata. Personalmente todos los puntos, formulados como cuestión de debate, me parecen del todo lícitos. Hace tiempo deberían haber sido tratados y el futuro de la Iglesia dependerá del tiempo en que se sigan evitando.
A la jerarquía católica, de la que cada vez se tiene la impresión de que está encerrada en su torre de cristal, destilando el dogma hasta su purificación total, convendría recordar que en este mundo habitan más de 6.000 millones de realidades diferentes.
Lo bueno del mensaje de Cristo es que es tan claro, positivo, fresco y actual, que se entiende por sí solo, sin que nadie comercie con la exclusividad de su interpretación.
Es como el agua que rompe el dique y llega a la arena de la playa, donde cada cual hallará la religión en su interior.

PD: A los cinéfilos (también al Vaticano, quienes supongo tampoco leerán nunca mi blog) les recomiendo revisitar “Las Sandalias del Pescador” de 1968. Salvo los excesos cinematográficos de la crisis Chino-Soviética, díganme a quien no le gustaría un Papa como el que encarna Anthony Quinn.


It is very emotional to see at midnight on the night of Saturday to Sunday of Easter, how the streets of Sofia are filled with candles that are carried to the churches. It seems that is something even magical. I have the feeling that in Bulgaria there is a rather free approach to religion. Let me explain myself with a comparison:
In Romania, the old former communist regime demolished churches mercilessly and now, like a reaction effect,religion has been reborn with intensity, with a fervency that in some aspects would seem irrational.
In Spain, and further temporarily, It happened the same rebound effect in opposite direction. Virtually all of we were automatically born like Catholic Christians (no one asked us) and for this “mandatory status” (and its association with the former regime), many people lately have left the religious practice in oblivion. All our parents thought the message of Christ was a positive and indeed it is. Do not forget that in Islam and other religions also the parents transmit their faith to their children with the same criterion.
In Bulgaria, the former communist regime was against religion, but not so serious as the case referred before to Romania. Proof of this is that the cult was allowed but "not well seen." As a result now people have a more objective and honest approach, and it´s not inherited in the collective memory a past with any prohibition or obligation. Those who want to be practitioners, though not in large numbers, they are to its ultimate consequences.
Despite the ”ancient” image that Catholics have from Orthodox, It´s a pleasant surprise to note that practitioners are more spiritual and priests are more in touch with the real world (for those who do not know, the marriage is allowed. It seems very useful to know what is to be married when you give the sacrament of marriage); that closeness between the parts of the Orthodox Church, at least, brings hopefull feelings of greater sustainability and progress. On the other hand it is worth to make the question what is the distance between the Catholic Church and the world today.
I strongly recommend you to take look at the article (with a rather "tabloid" title in comparison to the seriousness of its contents) published by El Pais on 04/21/2010: / Juan/XXIII/reclaman/dimision/Papa/elpepusoc/20100421elpepusoc_6/Tes
In that article (which translate into English at the end, because I don´t think anyone should miss) the Association of Theologians John XXIII reflects its position on the situation of the Catholic Church. I recommend (even those of you who are Orthodox) to decide which of the 12 points you agree and which do not: The result will give your own opinion of the distance between the Catholic Church and the real world today.
We could think that this is a power struggle, someone tries to harm the Church or that "Liberation Theologians" are making noise again. Personally, all the points raised as a matter of debate, seem to me entirely lawful. Long ago they should have been treated and the future will depend on the time that the Catholic Church continues avoiding them.
To the Catholic hierarchy, from which increasingly we get the impression of living in a crystal tower, distilling the dogma until total purification, we should remember that in this world live more than 6,000 million different realities.
The good news is that Christ's message is so clear, positive, fresh and prevailing, that means alone, without anyone trying to trade with the exclusivity of its interpretation.
It´s like water that breaks the dam and reachs the sandy beach, where everyone will find their own religion inside.

PS: (including the Vatican, who will never read my blog either, I guess) I recommend to everyone (including the Vatican, who will never read my blog either, I guess) revisiting "The Shoes of the Fisherman", 1968. Without taking in consideration the Chinese-Soviet crisis cinematographic excess, tell me which one of you would not want a pope like the role played by Anthony Quinn. "

The Association of Theologians John XXIII are demanding the resignation of the Pope
They also demand an apology to victims of sexual abuse

Christian base communities and independent theologians often don´t like the behavior of much of the Catholic hierarchy to the pedophilia scandals. They believe that to sin and crime of concealment in the past, now It´s added an attitude of pride, and even understanding or silence justification.
They also miss apologies to the victims and punishment to the guilty, in civil and canonical courts. Even voices are raised claiming against the ones in the Vatican who censored orders. They want them to assume their responsibilities. This is the case of the Association of Theologians John XXIII, whose board today released a manifesto calling for the resignation of the Pope.
The statement of theologians began to express support for the Open Letter to Catholic bishops around the world of his colleague, Professor Hans Küng, in which the famous Swiss theologian, considered the current pontificate, one of missed opportunities in areas such as church ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, reform of the Church, the exercise of collegiality, the improper management of sexual abuse by bishops, priests and Catholic religious colleges, seminaries, parishes, and the maintenance of celibacy and the prohibition of access by women to the ordained ministry. Hans Küng (Sursee, 1928) was just 30 years with expert and adviser to the Second Vatican Council and there he coincided with the current Pope, who held the same role for the German episcopate. (...)

These are some of its proposals, offered, say, "constructive and aimed at the evangelical transformation of the Catholic Church":
1.-Vatican II: "We consider necessary to activate and develop the reform agenda of Vatican II, which has not been properly implemented and that during the present pontificate has not only paralyzed, but has gone in the opposite direction, either back to previous stages, either been interpreted conservatively. "
2.-Absolute monarchy. "We believe that the current organization of the Catholic Church is outdated and is more responsive to an absolute monarchy that the Jesus movement, a community of equals. It seems urgent to initiate a process of democratization of the Church, with the active participation of all Catholic believers in the choice of positions of responsibility within the Church itself. It is important to remember that, from the origins of Christianity and for several centuries, the Church was organized and governed, with the participation of the people. " 3.-With the poor. "Christians and all the leaders of the Church, should be located in the world of marginalization and social exclusion and opt resolutely for the poor, an attitude that carries the fight for justice as a Gospel criterion for excellence.
4.-Theological Liberty. "We consider it imperative to defend and promote freedom of expression, research and publication of the theologians and the removal of ecclesiastical censure, which restricts the freedom of professional theology and limits creativity."
5.-Right of assembly. "We demand the recognition of the freedom and right of assembly of communities and Christian groups, whatever their ideological orientation, and all alike, no privileges for some, more akin to the hierarchy at the expense of excluding other .
6.-Political pluralism. "We claim not to identify Christianity with any political agenda or conservative religious organizations, as often happens by the hierarchy, and to respect political and religious pluralism in society and the Church."
7.-Against sanctions. "We demand the lifting of sanctions imposed on theologians, bishops and priests, motivated by the exercise of freedom of expression and for their commitment to the poor."
8.-Request for forgiveness. "As a demonstration of the changed attitude of the Catholic Church, we consider necessary the public request for forgiveness of the Pope for concealment and abetting of the Vatican in cases of sexual abuse who are involved bishops, priests and religious. " 9.-Against silence. "We call for an immediate repeal of all those decrees of the Pope and the Roman Curia that have imposed silence for decades in cases of child sexual abuse and have prevented to put such cases in the hands of justice."
10.-Pontificate exhausted. "We believe that the papacy of Benedict XVI is exhausted and that the Pope does not have the age or mentality to respond adequately to the serious and urgent problems that now must face the Catholic Church. We therefore, with due respect for the person of the Pope, ask for his resignation. "
11.-Women Priests. "We need to facilitate access of women to the ordained priesthood in different degrees, as in most Christian churches, ending finally with centuries of unjustified discrimination against women in the Catholic Church."
12.-Abolition of celibacy. "It is equally necessary to abolish mandatory celibacy for priests, as repressive disciplining of sexuality, which lacks any biblical foundation, theological and historical and does not respond to any pastoral requirements."
Finally, theologians remind the hierarchy of Catholicism "that the decisive criterion of conduct, in the Church of Jesus Christ, is not unconditional obedience to the Pope, but fidelity to the Gospel." "On behalf of the loyalty and with attitude of dialogue, we present these proposals."

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


Less than a month ago has opened in Sofia, the "Mall" Serdika Center. To mention some relevant data base, we're talking about 51,000 m2 of retail space on three levels, an area of 35,000 m2 reserved for offices and 1,600 parking spaces. In colloquial language we are talking about a shopping center that would be described as huge. The urban prophets or rather the previous advertising mechanisms predicted that it would be the largest of the Balkans. I do not think so, but what is certain is that in a country like Bulgaria, whose economy is still limited,it made a significant percentage among the leading indicators of construction. By completing a little "input data", the promoter companies have been ECE Project Management Immobilier Bulgaria and Sparkassen AG. The execution of the project has cost about 220 million euros and the construction company that has performed the works in two years is the Turkish Kayi. Each time I passed Sitnyakovo Boulevard and saw working at full blast, morning, noon and night, with lots of materials and machinery traffic on the perimeter,I mentally associated Serdika name to a battle of old where Thracians and Persians ( for example) fought. Now these great works are the battles of everyday life. A curious (and very revealing) indicator of a country's economic growth is the number of "Malls" planned or under construction. For example: "In Romania are to be made 22 shopping centers" (OK, then comes the crisis and are made only three.) I believe the investment approach of this magnitude gives a very clear idea of what large companies expect from a country economically and the contribution of a mass (quantity and quality) of consumers. It may sound wrong, but I am convinced that the multinationals study populations as well as a number of "ants" to which abduct to consume their products faithfully. But let’s go back to Serdika Center. Its 210 stores have created about 2,000 jobs (I hope those who read it think about it) and the occupation of the mall has been 100%. I have seen virtually at the same time how another mall was getting empty, the TSUM, in the very center of Sofia. A poor selection of tenants has been deadly for this CC with unbeatable location, near the Sheraton and Sveta Nedelya. Again confirming the axiomatic law that in the absence of one or more "Inditex" there is nothing to do. From my point of view another alternative as "base store" is "Reserved", a chain that is doing very well en these countries. In Serdika they even have double storey shop (Zara has one plant, no more). However I realised a step backward in design and quality that I hope will be temporary, because otherwise it would collapse all the work well done. To put it another way: Is interesting for all the consumers to have qualified competitor for Inditex. The shirt instead of going out 30 Euros, goes out to 20, and in sales instead of 15 is 10 (without prejudice quality, of course). Walking in Serdika for the first time, with such many stores, produces a bit of dizziness. You can ask yourself : "I have not gone through this store before?" Or "this store is not repeated?". Let me explain with an example: You can pass in front of the store "Esprit" and then after a while you find it again. As the center is so large and you have not entered in the previous, you don”t realize that it is a two-story store. This leads me to think another way, whether it is appropriate to put in the same center, the season’s shop and outlet of the same brand (although this last one situated in less strategic location, of course). Psychologically may not be desirable, but to decide these things I sure that the big companies have wise people. At the end of the day, we're talking about saving the opportunity cost of having the customer transaction in the center and not in another 6 km further down Tsarigradsko shose (and also the cost of transportation of goods, which in these days we also have to take in consideration). Another store is so dizzying to decide which to enter and which not. Since there are so many brands trying to differentiate from each other: The jeans for teenagers, grunge jeans,design jeans, jeans from a classic brand of jeans, the expensive brand of jeans (which is not the same as the jeans from a expensive brand) average jeans from a super-seller brand of clothes, the jeans from the supermarket shelf, the posh jeans, the chic, for gentlemans, the drag ... From the famous theatre play "The Caveman": "Women are gatherers ..." Following this, they don’t go to CC to buy, they go to gather information. If they have (like the jeans) much information to collect, better.Probably they will not buy. If It’s necessary, they will take the bag from the store brand from home. It is a social act of gathering information for which here (and without trying to generalize) are dressed impeccably. Then at the same time It’s an exhibition because it is cheaper (if you avoid the final consumer tramp) stroll through the mall rather than to go out by night. From "The Caveman": "... and men are hunters" Guys, this CC is full of stunning girls. I should not loose time in explaining this reasoning. Buy something in a hurry and escape, forget it. This is designed to get you and spend your time here. Which is the degree of the CC? is a sergeant, commander or general? A small commercial center has one or two multi-sport shops. The big one have specific: Nike and Adidas always. Later Puma, Asics ... ... in Serdika even Converse. Food court: When you have a Japanese fast food or a Nordsee (which equates to Bucharest’s Baneasa) there is little to say. Cinema: None. Are we witnessing the end of cinema as a global business?. We will see if the 3D stands still. Offices: All workers from the offices above the shopping mall are captive customer of it. In that sense it is a good idea (I would say It’s a great one). But we also have to see how demand responds to the offer. As head of a company, if I can get an office above a shopping center, I would say categorically no. Depending on the company and the type of the work will be suitable or not this location. Finally, first to congratulate the friends who have flat near the Serdika Center, because it will enhance its value, and today that is better than any gift. Secondly, since it is considered that blogs are public forums, I appeal to conscious consumption. If, for example, Massimo Dutti takes a step back in design and several in quality. I no longer buy. Mr. Amancio Ortega (who I suppose will never read this blog, but I wish him to continue in the glory of "Forbes" because of what he has created) will know what he is doing. So do I. If you live in a foreign country where (again, without ever wanting to generalize) a girl earns three hundred euros, spents 120 in hair and nails, 100 on clothes and 80 to eat, something is wrong. I remind you to consume responsibly. Remember that: "cheap is expensive, if It’s not necessary."

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


Hace menos de un mes se ha abierto en Sofía el “Mall” Serdika Center. Por mencionar unos datos relevantes de partida, estamos hablando de 51.000 metros cuadrados de superficie comercial en tres niveles, un espacio de 35.000 m2 reservado a oficinas y 1.600 aparcamientos. En lenguaje coloquial estamos hablando de un Centro Comercial que calificaríamos de “tocho” o incluso “tocho de c…”. Los profetas urbanos o más bien los mecanismos publicitarios previos auguraban que sería el más grande de la Península Balcánica. No creo que así sea, pero lo que sí es cierto es que en un país como Bulgaria, cuya economía conjunta todavía es limitada, si ha supuesto un porcentaje significativo dentro de los indicadores de construcción. Por completar un poco los “datos de entrada”, las empresas promotoras han sido ECE Project Management Bulgaria y Sparkassen Inmobilien AG. La obra ha costado unos 220 millones de euros y la constructora que la ha ejecutado en dos años ha sido la empresa turca KAYI.
Cada vez que pasaba por el Bulevar Sitnyakovo y los veía trabajar a todo trapo, mañana, tarde y noche, con muchísimo tránsito de materiales y maquinaria en el perímetro, asociaba mentalmente el nombre de Serdika a una batalla de la antigüedad donde Tracios y Persas (por poner un ejemplo) luchaban. Ahora estas grandes obras son las batallas del día a día.
Un curioso (y muy revelador) indicador del crecimiento económico de un país es el número de “Malls” proyectados o en construcción. Por ejemplo: “En Rumanía se van a hacer 22 centros comerciales” (vale, luego viene la crisis y se hacen sólo tres). Creo que el planteamiento de inversiones de esta magnitud da una idea muy clara de lo que las grandes compañías esperan económicamente de un país, aunque sea únicamente como aportación de una masa (cuantitativa y cualitativamente) de consumidores. Puede que suene mal, pero estoy convencido de que las multinacionales estudian a las poblaciones así, como un determinado número de “hormigas” a las que abducir para que consuman su producto fielmente.
Pero volvamos al Serdika Center. Su 210 tiendas han creado unos 2.000 empleos (espero que quien lo lea reflexione sobre esto) y la ocupación del mall ha sido el 100%. Prácticamente he visto al mismo tiempo como se vaciaba otro mall, el TsUM, en el mismo centro de Sofía. Una mala selección de inquilinos ha sido mortal para este C.C. de ubicación inmejorable, cerca del Sheraton y Sveta Nedelya.
Nuevamente se confirma la ley axiomática de que si se carece de uno o varios “Inditex”, no hay nada que hacer. Otra alternativa válida a mi juicio como "tienda angular" es “Reserved”, una cadena que lo está haciendo muy bien por estos países. En Serdika ya incluso cuentan con tienda de doble planta (Zara tiene tienda de una planta nada más). Sin embargo he observado un paso atrás en diseño y calidad que espero que sean temporales, porque de no ser así se vendría abajo todo el trabajo bien hecho. Por decirlo de otra manera: A todos los consumidores nos interesa que haya competidor cualificado para Inditex, que la camisa en vez de salir a 30 Euros salga a 20 y que en las rebajas en vez de estar a 15 esté a 10, sin detrimento de la calidad, claro está.
Entrar por primera vez a Serdika, con tanta tienda, produce un poco de mareo. Incluso se da la curiosa circunstancia de “¿no he pasado ya por esta tienda?” o “¿esta tienda no está repetida?”. Me explicaré con un ejemplo: pasas por delante de la tienda “Esprit” y luego al cabo de un rato te la encuentras otra vez. Como el centro es tan grande y no has entrado en la anterior, no te das cuenta de que es una tienda de dos pisos. Esto me lleva a pensar, por otro camino, si no sería conveniente poner en el mismo centro, tiendas de temporada y outlet de la misma marca (aunque posicionando las últimas en los lugares menos estratégicos, claro está). Quizá psicológicamente no sea conveniente, pero para decidir estas cosas ya tienen sabios las compañías. Al fin y al cabo, estamos hablando del ahorro de coste de oportunidad de transacción al tener al cliente en el mismo centro y no en otro 6 km más abajo en Tsarigradsko Shosé (y también el coste de transporte de la mercancía, que en estos días hay que hilar muy fino).
Otro vértigo de tanta tienda es decidir en cual entrar y cual no. Ya hay tanta marca intentando diferenciarse: El vaquero juvenil, el vaquero juvenil grunge, el vaquero juvenil de diseño, el vaquero de marca de toda la vida, el vaquero de marca supercara (que no es lo mismo que la marca de vaqueros supercara), el vaquero de marca blanca de la casa de ropa, el vaquero de marca blanca de estantería de supermercado, el vaquero pijo, el chic, el señorial, el arrastrado…
De “El Cavernícola”: “Las mujeres son recolectoras…”
Si no van al CC a comprar, irán a recoger información. Y si a tenor del párrafo anterior tienen mucha información que recoger, pues mejor que mejor. Que no van a comprar, da igual, no se trata de eso. Si hace falta, se llevan la bolsa de la tienda de marca de casa. Se trata de un acto social de recogida de información para lo cual aquí (y sin tratar de generalizar) se visten impecablemente. Es entonces al mismo tiempo una exhibición porque es más barato (siempre que se evite la trampa consumista final) pasear por el centro comercial que salir de noche.
De “El Cavernícola”: “… y los hombres son cazadores”
Chicos, este CC está lleno de chicas impresionantes. No creo que deba extenderme más en explicar este razonamiento.
De lo de entrar y comprar algo a toda prisa y largarte, olvídate. Esto está diseñado para atraparte y que gastes tu tiempo aquí.
Los galones: ¿Es un CC subteniente, comandante o general? Un centro comercial pequeño tiene una o dos tiendas de deporte multimarca. Los grandes aparte tienen los específicos: Nike y Adidas siempre. Luego Puma, Asics… …en Serdika hay hasta incluso Converse.
Food court: Cuando se tiene un japonés de comida rápida o un Nordsee (lo que lo equipara a Baneasa en Bucarest) poco hay que decir.
Cine: No hay. ¿Estaremos asistiendo al fin del Cine como negocio global?. Veremos si el 3D aguanta el tipo.
Oficinas: Todo trabajador de las oficinas situadas encima del centro comercial es un cliente cautivo del mismo. En ese sentido es una buena idea (magnífica diría yo). Pero también habrá que ver cómo responde la demanda a la oferta. Como responsable de una empresa, si me ofrecen una oficina encima de un centro comercial, yo diría tajantemente que no. Depende entonces de la empresa: Un call center sí, una ingeniería seguro que no.
Para terminar, primero felicitar a los amigos que tienen piso cerca del Serdika Center, porque se van revalorizar, y eso hoy en día es mejor que cualquier regalo.
En segundo lugar, ya que se considera que los blogs (el mío lo estreno hoy) son tribunas públicas, hacer un llamamiento al consumo consciente. Si por ejemplo, Massimo Dutti da un paso atrás en diseño y varios en calidad, pues ya no les compro. El Sr. Amancio Ortega (quien supongo nunca leerá este blog, pero al que deseo siga en la gloria de "Forbes" por lo que ha creado) sabrá lo que está haciendo. Yo también.
Desde la mirada poliédrica que da vivir en un país extranjero donde (repito, sin querer nunca generalizar) una chica gana trescientos euros, se gasta 120 en peluquería y hacerse las uñas, 100 en ropa y 80 en comer, les repito que consuman responsablemente. Recuerden que: “Lo barato es caro, si no es necesario”.